Energy Planning

Energy Planning Division comprises of Planning, Statistics and ICT Units.

Objectives of the Division 

- Formulate energy policies and plans to provide strategic direction within the sector

- Develop and implement Energy Master Plan (EMP)

- To improve the security of power supply

- To promote research and development in the energy sector

- To improve access to energy resource data and information

Activities of the Division 

- Formulates of the Energy policy

- Reappraisal of the electrification program to align with EMP. 

- Develops the project concepts, project proposals and submit it to the Public Sector Investment Committee for approval      

- Conducts the Energy Consumption Survey 

- Compiles the Energy balance                 

Targets of the Division 

- Development of the department policy every 10 years,

- Develops and operationalize the EMP,

- Produces at least 2 bankable proposals each Financial Year,

- Conducts the Energy Consumption Survey every 5 years,

- Produces an up-to-date annual energy balance in the department.