Enhancing Lesotho's Private Sector Readiness for a Clean Energy Transition Project

The project is implemented by Ministry of Natural Resources through the Department of Energy, in collaboration with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). It is executed under Green Climate Fund Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme. The duration of the project is 30 months and started on the 31 December 2021.

The overall objective

The objective is to enhance the readiness of Lesotho’s private sector to develop, commercialize, and invest in climate and clean energy (cleantech) solutions, as well as to maximize the economic growth opportunities embedded therein, while supporting Lesotho in reaching its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) targets.

Projects Outputs

Output 1.3.1; Cleantech specific business acceleration programme is developed and conducted to enhance capacity of enterprises to develop cleantech solutions into viable business models and products.

Output 1.3.2; Cleantech innovation and entrepreneurship experts (trainers, coaches mentors, judges) are trained A private sector expert committee established and operational under the Energy Sector Coordination Forum (ESCF), and its recommendations submitted to the NDA and certified to conduct and support the acceleration programme.

Output 2.4.1; Strategy document developed and endorsed for enhancing private sector readiness and engagement to develop commercially viable cleantech solutions and in attracting private sector financing and investment for cleantech solutions.

Output 4.3.1; Pipeline of 20 cleantech solutions for investment developed and disseminated to investors and financial institutions.

Output 4.3.2; Two concept notes for priority sectors developed and submitted to the GCF

Output 5.1.1; Impact report produced and disseminated


1. Strengthening private sector’s capacity, systems and networks to support the planning, programing and implementation of GCF funded activities.

  • Activity Conduct Cleantech accelerator for early stage cleantechinnovations/enterprises which include 10-15 sessions, final judging event and award ceremony.    

- Call for applications closed on 21 June

- A total of 32 applications were received; 18 shortlisted       

- 17 enterprises selected as semi-finalists for the accelerator program                                                                                                     

- Semi-finalists officially announced on GCIP LinkedIn page and the project's social media pages         

- 17 generalist mentors confirmed and assigned to teams/enterprises  

- Online Training Webinars facilitated by Network for Global Innovation (NGIN) ongoing since 26 July until November  

- Joint GCIP Lesotho and GCIP South Africa National Acadeny Workshop conducted at Thaba-Bosiu Cultural Village on 13-16 August 2023     


 2. Developing a strategy to create a conducive environment for attracting private sector investment for cleantech solutions.                                                                     

  • Activity Conduct an evidence-based analysis of Lesotho’s national cleantech ecosystem

  • Launched survey on Ecosystems focusing on:
  • Government Policy and Support
  • Cluster Development
  • Stakeholder engagement

Conducted a stakeholder Capacity Building Workshop for Cleantech Innovation and    Entrepreneurship Ecosystems:

  • Innovation policy and ecosystem support
  • Measuring cleantech innovation clusters
  • Existence and Engagement of Ecosystem Actors

Conducted a stakeholder workshop on the Cleantech Innovation and Entrepreneurship Policy Framework 

  • Engage stakeholders to discuss and provide high-level guidelines for cleantech policy development