Strategic Fuel Reserves


The Project aims to ensure the security of supply of petroleum products. It will also maintain minimum strategic stock of petroleum products, enhance the participation of local entrepreneurs in the petroleum sector and drive socio-economic development. Additionally, the Project will ensure that petroleum products and services are affordable and promoting energy efficiency in the petroleum sector. 

Project Components:
Construction of Central strategic fuel reserve facility at Maqhaka in Berea 50% of total Lesotho 60 days storage capacity (2065 demand)

-Construction of Regional depot in the North at Ha Mokotjo (Leribe) 30% of total Lesotho 60 days storage capacity (2065 demand +3000kL used for Nearby Mining and Construction Projects)

-Construction of Regional depot in the South at Lits’oeneng (Mohale’s Hoek) 20% of total Lesotho 60 days storage capacity (2065 demand)

-Establishment of Management entity for the storage facilities

Envisaged Additions

- GDP growth through revenue collection and participation of local businesses

- Achieve reliable fuel supply and self-sufficiency

- Enhance participation of local entrepreneurs in the petroleum sector

- Create conducive environment for participation of local entrepreneurs in the petroleum retailing and transportation