Development of Cornerstone Public Policies and Institutional Capacity to Accelerate Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL): The Government of Lesotho and UNDP Country office are implementing a five years (2016 –2022) GEF-financed project “Development of Cornerstone Public Policies and Institutional Capacities to accelerate Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) Progress” project. The objective of the project is to catalyze investments in renewable energy-based mini-grids and Village Energy Centers (VECs) to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and contribute to the achievement of Lesotho’s Vision 2020 and SE4ALL goals. The Project will create a favorable regulatory and market environment and build institutional, administrative and technical capacities to promote rural electrification through isolated renewable energy-based mini-grids and VECs. Through engagement of the private sector, the project will support the Government of Lesotho to use renewable energy based technologies to generate electricity for rural households and income–generating activities. The project is expected to implement 10 mini-grids and 10 Energy Trading Centres providing energy services to 1, 000 rural households in the 5 districts of Mohale’s Hoek, Mokhotlong, Thaba-Tseka, Qacha’s Nek and Quthing. 

 Project Outcomes

1. SE4All cornerstone policies and strategies facilitating (increased) investment in RET deployment, particularly in isolated mini-grids.

2. Improved capacity of energy stakeholders and government officials for decentralized clean energy planning and decision-making on the basis of quality energy data.

3. Successful establishment of a village-based energy service delivery model for replication nationally.

4. Outreach programme and dissemination of project experience/best practices/lessons learned for replication nationally and throughout the region, for more information click here.